Stir thoroughly before using and occasionally when in use. When using more than one can of the same color, intermix to ensure color uniformity.
USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Read all label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information prior
to use. SDS are available through our web site or by calling 1-800-441-9695.
Application Equipment: Apply with a high quality brush, roller, paint pad, or by spray equipment. Where necessary, apply a second coat.
Airless Spray: Pressure 2000 psi; tip 0.015” - 0.021”. Spray equipment must be handled with due care and in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendation. High-pressure injection of coatings into the skin by airless equipment may cause serious injury.
Brush: Polyester/Nylon Brush
Roller: 3/8” - 3/4” nap roller cover
Thinning: Do not thin.
Permissible temperatures during application:
Material: 50 to 90ºF 10 to 32ºC
Ambient: 50 to 90ºF 10 to 32ºC
Substrate: 50 to 90ºF 10 to 32ºC
Surface must be clean and dry. Remove all loose, peeling paint, dirt, grease, and any other surface contaminants. Putty all nail holes and caulk
all cracks and open seams. Sand all glossy, rough, and patched surfaces.
WARNING! If you scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust or fumes. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST OR
AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a properly fitted NIOSH-approved respirator and prevent skin contact to control lead exposure. Clean up carefully
with a HEPA vacuum and a wet mop. Before you start, find out how to protect yourself and your family by contacting the USEPA National Lead
Information Hotline at 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to In Canada contact a regional Health Canada office. Follow these instructions to control exposure to other hazardous substances that may be released during surface preparation.
CONCRETE/MASONRY: New concrete should cure for at least 30 days and preferably 90 days prior to painting. The pH of the substrate must
be less than 10 before priming.
GYPSUM WALLBOARD-DRYWALL: Nails or screws should be countersunk, and they along with any indentations should be mudded flush with
the surface, sanded smooth and cleaned to remove any dust, then prime prior to painting the substrate.
ORIENTED STRAND BOARD: Countersink all nails or screws and putty flush with the surface. Surface should be cleaned to remove any dust
or contaminates, then primed prior to painting.
PARTICLE BOARD: Countersink all nails or screws and putty flush with the surface. Surface should be cleaned to remove any dust or contaminates, then primed prior to painting. (Veneered surfaces should be sanded smooth and cleaned to remove any dust or contaminates, then primed
prior to painting.)
WOOD: Countersink all nails, putty flush with surface. Unpainted wood or wood in poor condition should be sanded smooth and wiped clean.
Any knots or resinous areas must be primed with a stain-blocking primer before painting.